It's midnight on the 29th. I'll be going to bed soon and waking up after that. At that time, I will be roasting a fresh chicken that was raised naturally in the Cole's Island area. I've had chickens from this farmer, Cedar Lane Farm, over the last few years. His chickens are amazingly flavourful and satisfying.
Meat, including chicken, has more beneficial things in them when they're raised naturally. Common sense would dictate that an animal that eats all kinds of good things will transfer those good things to the animal that eats them (for example, me) compared to an animal fed one type of food (grains like corn that are grown on infertile land only useful due to loads of industrial fertilizers).
Tell me, would you like to buy regular chicken with little flavour and eat a couple pounds of it at $1.29/lb or get a reasonably-sized (a few ounces) piece of chicken that fulfills you in flavour and also in nutrients for $2.99/lb? To help you answer, the latter, chickens on these farms are fed a diverse diet of mixed with what the animal gets naturally while pecking away on the ground for hours on end while being free and open. The former animal is locked up in a cage, fed an all-grain diet that is typically only one type of grain as mentioned above.
On top of the practices used to make each kind of meat it is important to mind a few other things. How far did the food come from? How did the animal live while alive? Oh geez, so many other things.
Time to go to bed.
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